January 30, 2014

are you too busy?

Last weekend, JD preached a sermon titled, "Busyness that destroys the soul" (listen or read the transcript here).

I found his message extremely relevant and needed . . . especially since I generally thrive on a schedule that stays more packed than I acknowledge.

Especially since December (baking season) is my month to say - "Who needs sleep? I'll sleep when I'm dead! There's baking and delivering and gift giving and hosting and parties!!" . . . Only to find myself ragged, exhausted, looking forward to January . . . clearly needing a balance here.

One question posed during the sermon was, "What drives your busyness?"

It's always a good idea to ask yourself - what is really going on here . . . what is the heart of the issue?

Is our busyness rooted in fear or pride . . .
  • fear that not everything will get done
  • fear of what everyone thinks of you
  • trying to prove something to yourself or others
  • fear that you're the only one who can complete a certain task
  • wanting to be important (busyness can make us feel important, needed, valued - I am definitely guilty of this).
  •  fear of missing out (i.e. if I don't go to every single social event this weekend, I will never meet my future spouse . . . or if I don't overwork, I won't make enough money).

What is going on in our hearts when we feel the need to stay so busy and not allow balance?

Just a little food for thought on your thursday :)

January 28, 2014

lighter workout playlist

this playlist brought to you by the pirate and the parrot, circa 2012

I must admit, my favorite workout music is usually comprised of artists like Pitbull and Flo Rida . . . and it can be challenging to find "clean" music that also has a good beat. So today I bring you a lighter playlist - hope you enjoy!!

I posted a few basics on spin here, and this post by the fitnessista (favorite fitness blog) is also an excellent resource.

1. Counting Stars - OneRepublic
(warm up)

2. Cray Button - Family Force 5 feat. Lecrae
 (standing climb, standing or seated sprint during chorus)

3. Wake Me Up - Avicii
 (seated, fast pace, sprint during chorus)

4. Bright Lights Bigger City - Cee Lo Green
 (steady pace, add resistance about every 30 seconds or so)

5. Truth Be Told - Press Play
 (standing climb, keep adding resistance until it is very challenging)

6. I Feel So Alive - Capital Kings
 (two options: seated steady pace or rolling hills/jumps)

7. Church Clap - KB feat. Lecrae
 (standing climb, fast pace, sprint during chorus)

8. Eye On It - Tobymac
 (seated climb, sprint during chorus)

9. Who Am I Living For? - Katy Perry
 (crank up that resistance to a 9, hands behind your back - heavy seated climb)

10. Life - Beckah Shae
 (rolling hills)

11. Burn - Ellie Goulding
(cool down)

January 27, 2014

a book review

buy it here
Last week, I needed some reading material for my travels. A co-worker had recommended this book, and I am forever grateful that she did. It seriously took me one and a quarter days to read. Words cannot do it justice.

I had heard of Corrie Ten Boom, loved some of her quotes, but never read any of her work.

Corrie was a Dutch watchmaker, a lover of Jesus, who became part of the underground movement during WW II to help Jews escape the Nazis. She and her family were eventually sent to concentration camps as well - and she was the lone survivor.

After her release from prison, she lived on to have an amazing ministry - writing books and speaking all over the world about the transforming power of God's love.

Her story moved me greatly (joy, sadness, amazing faith, God's power and love), and I had to fight back my urge to weep openly, as I was on a plane for the majority of my reading.

This book is filled with such timeless wisdom and it pointed me back to the cross over and over. Her walk with the Lord was so deep, so rich . . . It strengthened my own faith and once again showed me the treasure and supreme beauty of Christ. I strongly recommend it.

I will now leave you with some of my favorite quotes from the book.

"I know that the experiences of our lives, when we let God use them, become the mysterious and perfect preparation for the work He will give us to do." 

"Our wise Father in heaven knows when we're going to need things, too. Don't run ahead of Him, Corrie. When the time comes that some of us will have to die, you will look into your heart and find the strength you need -- just in time." 

"The truth . . . is that God's viewpoint is sometimes different than ours - so different that we could not even guess at it unless He had given us a Book which tells us such things. In the Bible I learned that God values us not for our strength or our brains but simply because He has made us." 

"There are no 'if's' in God's kingdom. His timing is perfect. His will is our hiding place." 

“No pit is so deep that God is not deeper still”

“When He tells us to love our enemies He gives, along with the command, the love itself.” 

"My job was to simply follow His leading one step at a time, holding every decision up to him in prayer.”
“In darkness God's truth shines most clear.” 

January 26, 2014

a recipe from the weekend

I have a confession. 

Sometimes, as I'm falling asleep at night, I can't wait for the morning - because I get to drink coffee and have breakfast. I just love it.

Last week, Carly made these crazy good sweet potato waffles and I just had to make them once I was back home. The recipe is here.

They call for coconut flour, so they're actually gluten free if you follow the recipe.

I had never used coconut flour . . . but it is amazing and fragrant and adds a natural sweetness. 

These waffles have a fluffy and moist texture about them, and the sweet potato is paired nicely with some orange zest - which gives it a nice fresh citrus kick.

The only modifications I made were:
  • instead of 1/4 cup butter, I used 1/8 cup butter + 1/8 cup applesauce.
  • instead of coconut milk, I used cow's milk (but only because I didn't have coconut milk)
  • I also didn't have sage, so I left it out - and they were still baller (or bomb, as you would say if you were in California).
  • She doesn't specify when to add your whole eggs, so I folded them in with the sweet potato mixture.

The only catch is that they don't hold completely well together (perhaps because of the coconut flour?) . . . just make sure you spray/oil/butter your waffle iron enough so that those puppies can just slide right out.

Drizzle some pure maple syrup on top and you are on your way to breakfast heaven.

January 25, 2014

A week in pictures

In November 2010 I took a random weekend trip to Wilmington to visit some friends from college. Their church had recently opened a coffee shop and their pastry chef friend, Carly, was bringing cookies that afternoon. I met Carly that day and she told me that there was a possibility she'd move to Raleigh, so we exchanged numbers. A month or so later after moving to this area, I invited her to one of my parties and we quickly became friends. Carly is one of those people you can't help but love. Bubbly, energetic, funny, thoughtful, talented (she inspired me to expand my cooking and baking skills) and such a loyal friend. She moved to San Jose in the spring of 2012 but I couldn't let her get away that easily. This past week was the second trip to go see her in California and it was filled with baking, singing (mostly her), laughing, sight seeing and lots and lots of good food that you can't get in North Carolina. I also got to be part of her surprise birthday party :) I am so glad that God allowed our paths to cross that weekend over three years ago! Here's to good, lasting friendships :)

The Bush Man of San Fran

Mexican food is just so much better in California

January 19, 2014

on being a nurse . . . and life . . . and faith.


This March will mark six years that I've been a critical care nurse.

It has been a wild ride. There are just so many things that nursing school can't prepare you for. I wouldn't trade it for anything, and I can honestly say that I love my job.

I was reflecting on it this past week . . . being a nurse has taught me so much. I cannot articulate it all and I certainly cannot cram it into a blog post, but here is some of it.

Especially being in a surgery/trauma ICU, where life can hang in such a delicate balance and uncertainty marks each hour.

My experience and my patients have taught me that life is such a gift. It is precious and valuable, yet so fragile. Every day we have is given to us by grace.

Every now and then, the things I see scare me. I start to wonder - what if I get in a car accident that leaves me paralyzed from the neck down? What if I were to be diagnosed with a life-altering and/or life-threatening illness? What if I get married or have a family and those things happen to my loved ones?

Would I turn to rage? despair? Would I lose my identity? Would I fall apart?

It all points me to this: we are living our lives in some kind of hope.
Where do I place my hope, my joy, my security?

I can't place my hope in my age, health, or any other circumstance . . . all of those things can be threatened, altered or taken away. I need to place my hope in something that is unshakeable.

Christ is our only firm foundation. In Him, we have something that disease and death cannot touch. In fact, those things can give us more of Him as we press deeper into the gospel during suffering and pain.

 I have seen a man, whose body was ravaged by disease, hold hope in his eyes as he told me that his condition has changed his life for the better. That he is no longer afraid to talk to people about Jesus.

I have watched miraculous recoveries and patients brought literally from death to life.

I have seen trauma, death and disease claim the lives of those who were far too young.

I have watched a young wife and mother stand by her husband as he fought for his life, her future and her family's future suspended in uncertainty. I heard her speak of hope that she has in the presence and promises of God in the middle of her suffering.

Nothing shouts the gospel like someone who is holding onto God in the middle of such a trial. I can see the true value and treasure that Christ is so clearly.

God holds our lives and our future in His hands, and we can trust Him. We are called to live by faith and not by sight, after all. No difficulty can enter our lives unless is passes through His hands. He promises to never leave or forsake us, and that His love is better than life.

Whatever the future holds, He will give us what we need. He will carry us, sustain us, be our hope and our joy even in the most dire of circumstances.

"Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ." — Sheila Walsh

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
    and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
 when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not consume you.
Isaiah 43:2

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me
Psalm 23:4

January 18, 2014

all along the interwebs

Good Morning!

Here is a random collection of things I have loved on the interwebs this week.

This is not normal . . . and one of the reasons why I love being a part of the Summit Church. Getting to witness how God is moving in big ways. So encouraging.

The best time to drink coffee, according to science. . . . whoops, I missed the mark on that one. I'm either a 5:45am or 7am coffee girl.

When to wash your winter gear
And how have I gone this far in life, washing my sweaters after every use? I never knew it was normal and socially acceptable to space it out. hmmm.

Christian Intermingle: Can We Date Outside the Faith?
I found this encouraging. Getting older, the waiting gets harder . . . and it's tempting to lower your standards in finding a mate. I need to be reminded that the wait is well worth it.

"To answer, it's important to take a step back and look at some principles found in Scripture. In Corinthians, Paul writes to a new group of Christians, who've asked him what's okay and not okay for them to partake in as believers in Christ. Paul then challenges the church not to simply ask, "Is it okay?" but instead to ask, "Is it beneficial?" (1 Cor. 10:23)."

when you're drowning in the shallow end of friendship - beautifully written, about the necessity of relationships and how our disappointments in those relationships point us back to Christ.

how to take better pictures with your phone I. need. to. work. on. this.

daily devotionals by John Piper there is also an app for this - one of my favorites lately.

and lastly, the cutest thing you might see today. seriously.

January 17, 2014

friday food find

I had a slight obsession with one of Panera's seasonal soups this fall. It was their Autumn Squash Soup. I capitalized that because it was SO GOOD. 

I needed an intervention . . . I was going to Panera at least once a week for that heavenly goodness. I decided that I needed to learn how to make it at home, so I went on an epic quest to do so. I tried at least 4 different recipes (and self-proclaimed "copycat" recipes) and even tried inventing one myself. They all fell short. None were worthy. So I just kept going to Panera.

Until one fateful day, I crossed the threshold of the store only to see my soup had been replaced (blurg!) by a new winter soup. I did a 360 and marched right out of the store, fighting back tears (not really, but it was pretty awful).

I may or may not have sent an email to Panera that was peppered with phrases like, "my life is over," "what happened to my beloved soup" and so on.

To which they so nonchalantly replied something to the effect of, "never fear, our seasonal soups may return."


Anyway, this soup was not autumn squash soup, BUT it was my favorite butternut squash recipe that I have tried, and I've tried at least six.

AND it's so low maintenance if you use the slow cooker. win. The maple roasted chickpeas have so much cinnamon and goodness, it will make your house smell like a cinnabon. I am not even joking.

January 14, 2014

for the heart

Yesterday I posted some workout jams, so today I thought I'd post some that are for the heart.

These songs have encouraged, calmed and soothed my heart in some way or another lately.

I hope you find them lovely.

"What Do I Know of Holy" - Addison Road
(you GUYS. this song moves me soooo much. good reminder of truth and perspective.)

"Beautiful, Beautiful" - Francesca Battistelli

"Feel the Light" - Britt Nicole

"Hope" - Shawn McDonald

"Alive" - Natalie Grant

"No Matter What" - Kerri Roberts

"Overflow" - Beckah Shae

"Faithful" - Shawn McDonald

"Hope Now" - Addison Road 

"In Better Hands" - Natalie Grant 

January 13, 2014

Monday Motivation

this playlist brought to you by GaGa and Beyonce

Sometimes friends will ask me for workout music . . . and I was looking for something fun to blog about, so ka-pow! let's knock them both out.

What motivates you to work out? If I have good music, I'm guaranteed to have a good workout. It keeps me focused, energized, in the zone. It makes it more fun.

So . . . without further ado, here is a recent list of favorites.

And as a bonus, I will throw in a spin workout. What is spin, you ask? Look here for the 411. If you don't spin, you can easily modify it for running/elliptical/arc trainer.

Spinning is my all-time favorite workout, hands down.

Whatever you do, I hope you find this list of workout music helpful :) enjoy!

1. "Pompeii" - Bastille
[warm-up song . . . but I pretty much adore this song in general :) ]

2. "Team" - Lorde
[standing climb - move with the beat. start at a working load and about every 30 seconds or so, increase resistance]

3. "Best Day of My Life" - American Authors
[seated, working load. keep up the pace, and sprint during the chorus]

4. "Hope We Meet Again" - Pitbull feat. Chris Brown
[standing climb. increase resistance every 30 seconds and sprint during chorus if you want a challenge.]

5. "F-I-R-E" - Press Play
[seated, quick pace. seated or standing sprint during chorus]

6. "The Monster" - Eminem feat. Rihanna
[seated climb. go as heavy as you can (9 or 10 resistance) and put your hands behind your back. during the chorus, you can grab the handlebars and take it up to position #3]

7. "That High" - Pitbull feat. Kelly Rowland
[standing climb. just keep up with the beat and sprint during the chorus for a challenge. resistance should be challenging, at least a 7 or 8.]

8. "Party All Night (Sleep All Day)" - Sean Kingston
[working load, fast pace. use this song for active recovery.]

9. "Run" - Flo Rida feat. RedFoo
[rolling hill - to the count of 4. during the chorus, sprint or change to a count of 2 and only go between position 2 and 3]

10. "The Night Out" - Martin Solveig
[working load, steady pace]

11. "Captured" - TobyMac
[cool down]

  •  adjust resistance on a scale of 1-10 . . .
  • 1 = no resistance.
  • 10 = so heavy that you can barely move the pedals.
  • working load = there is some resistance, but nothing cray - about a 4 or 5.
  • position 1 = seated.
  • position 2 = out of the saddle, with your weight directly over the pedals. your back should be at about a 45 degree angle from the ground. your booty should touch the horn of the saddle each time you pedal down.
  • position 3 = out of the saddle, keep a flat back and hover your body parallel to the ground.
  • standing climb = position 2, with resistance heavy enough to support your body weight. for an extra challenge, put one arm behind your back and switch arms every 30 seconds or so. keep adding resistance each time you do this.
  • rolling hill = first, grab the beat of the song. start with resistance heavy enough to support your body weight. to the count of 4, go between seated, position 2 and position 3.

remember to keep all the weight in your legs and use your arms for balance only. move your body side-to-side when you are out of the saddle.

just have fun :)

January 12, 2014

Five random loves

1. the crock pot!
Nothing says you're growing up like getting legitimately thrilled to get appliances for Christmas. But seriously - who doesn't love a practical gift?

2. Trader Joe's Speculoos Cookies.
These babies are sweet little pieces of goodness that are ground up to produce heaven in a jar, AKA cookie butter. (don't let me purchase this, it will be gone in a week). Perhaps the non-spreadable version will be a little healthier. Or so I will tell myself.

3. Stress-free butternut squash.
It's nice when you can enjoy the sweet, buttery deliciousness of this squash without risking your right arm/finger/sanity in prepping it for use.

4. Breaking Free from Strongholds by Dr. Eric Mason.
I was listening to this in my car today and it is filled with truth that I need to hear. Here are a few nuggets:

"You know you’re deep in a stronghold when you can’t see life beyond where you are. But . . . God doesn’t let your stronghold get in the way of him coming to you.

Salvation is about God coming after people who couldn’t come after him.

One of the beautiful things about encountering God is our mess doesn’t surprise him.   

I like the fact that God does not, when he comes around, just focus on our sins only. What an encounter with God is about is showing you what you must turn from and also whom you turn to. That’s very important in the gospel. And what’s beautiful about being in Christ is he not only shows you where you are, he calls you beyond where you’re not. He calls him a mighty man of valor.

God doesn’t see us merely where we are, but he sees us in what it looks like when he gets to us, and change happens.

That’s what I like about being in Christ: God is always pushing his people forward to be what he wants them to be and casting vision. If God just comes to us in our strongholds and doesn’t cast a vision of what we can be in him but only casts a vision of where we are, we’re in big, deep trouble."

All of this is such good news, especially since I have been feeling like and acting like a hot mess this past week. So thankful that God comes to us in our hot mess, walks with us, uses us and changes us so patiently and faithfully.

I was also reading a devo this morning that reminded me . . . no matter what tomorrow brings, God will still be God and He does not change. He is walking with you and will provide for you - He just calls us to trust Him one moment at a time. That sounds so simple, but in my moments of anxiety, I imagine the future as the worst possible scenario without God in the midst of it. 

5. Flowers . . . they always brighten an otherwise gloomy or sad day.

And I will leave with these lyrics from one of my favorite songs. Because I need to hear these words, and maybe you do too :)

I wake up to another day
I don't know if I can face
All the fears that are staring me down
I'm trying to be brave
But I'm a thread about to fray
I wanna stand but I don't know how

I look up and all I see is Your love holding me
When I feel like giving up
When my heart is hurt too much
Feels like I've reached the end
No, I won't turn and run
This battle will be won
When I've done all I can
I stand

Some days I lose my place
It's a fight to keep my faith
But You are with me, I am not alone, no
But all around my world gives way
Toss like an ocean wave
You are my rock and the storm clouds blow

On Your promise I will stand
All other ground is sinking sand

"Stand" Britt Nicole

January 8, 2014

more joy than when grain and wine abound

There are many who say, “Who will show us some good?
    Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!”
You have put more joy in my heart
    than they have when their grain and wine abound.
In peace I will both lie down and sleep;
    for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
 Psalm 4:6-8

Oh, that today we would find true, lasting, filling joy in our Savior. No matter what this day brings, that our hearts would be steady and confident in Him. That they would fill to the point of overflowing.

January 7, 2014

a simple truth

This makes your brain explode, if you really think about it.

. . . he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ . . .
Ephesians 1:4-5

He chose us . . . before we even existed, to belong to Him.

He chose us . . . knowing all the choices we would make, all the thoughts we would think, all the mistakes and stumbling and doubting and backsliding. Knowing all of our imperfections and our human nature.

He still came for us, knowing everything that would transpire . . . knowing that we would try to live apart from Him, trying to be in control, trying to do things our own way. 

I could go on and on. 

My point is this:

Nothing in your past, nothing that you are doing in this current moment, nothing in your future surprises God.

He cannot love you any less or any more because of something you have or haven't done.

You do not have the ability to mess up what God has declared over you.

You cannot lose your salvation any more than God can lose you.

He does not regret saving you.

He came for you and I in our darkest moment - and He took the pain and the suffering of Calvary and made a way for us because He didn't want to be without us. 

And He would do it all again.

Oh, I pray that we would cherish this truth and let it melt our hearts.

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2 
God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  
Romans 5:8

You Hear Me When I Call

Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
    You have given me relief when I was in distress.
    Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!

 O men, how long shall my honor be turned into shame?
    How long will you love vain words and seek after lies?  
 But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself;
    the Lord hears when I call to him.
Psalm 4:1-3

How thankful I am that we have a God that is not distant and far away, but one who hears us when we call to Him. The Psalms show us how we can be raw and honest with God . . . that it's a safe place to be real with Him. 
How different life would be if He wasn't truly Immanuel, God with us.  

And how can we be assured that He hears us? If you are in Christ, scripture tells us that
all the promises of God find their yes in him (2 Corinthians 1:20). We can know that He has given us freedom and full acceptance to approach Him, to have true relationship.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8 

"Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
John 17:23 

January 6, 2014

irrational thoughts

As a woman, I find that it's easy to have irrational thoughts . . . and I know I can't be the only one. We have a way of letting our imaginations run away with us, and things get a little bit out of control.

Yesterday, I found myself convinced that I have reached the pinnacle of my existence. Yup. At 28 years of age, this is it. It's all downhill after this.

One day I will wake up and not have an awesome roommate, I won't have any friends, I will be completely alone, my mind and body will be falling apart and I will have nothing left to give or do.

So, I guess I better cling tight to what I do have now before it all gets taken away.


Thankfully, I woke up today feeling a little more . . . normal.

Also, I was able to realize that there are so many things going wrong when I start to have those thoughts.

First of all, I am making a statement - whether I acknowledge it or not. I am accusing God of not loving me, not being a good Father, not being a provider and not having a plan for my life. I am saying that my way is best, and if I don't get the things I want, my life must be meaningless.

I am also saying that He is not enough. And that my life must not be that great.

As Matt Chandler puts it in this sermon, "Coveting, when all is said and done, is an accusation against God that he doesn't care about you, provide for you, or give you what you need."

I am so thankful that my irrational thoughts and my feelings are not reality. 

God is loving, His mercies are new every day, He is a perfect Father, He is the provider of all my wants and needs . . . (even if I don't get what I want or think I need) . . . He is the only one who can completely fulfill and satisfy.

My life and your life is not measured by the acquisition of things, accomplishments, relationships, what people think of you, or any circumstance. As much as the world tells us that it is.

Scripture says that Jesus came to give us life to the fullest. To give us true life . . . to know and have an eternal relationship with the One who created us and saved us. He is the greatest blessing.

No matter what the future holds, we are called to trust Him, and He is trustworthy. I have to hold onto Him, not my stuff. If He is who He says He is, the Creator of the universe holds us in His hand. Everything has to be OK because we are His. When I think about that, I am able to rest.

addendum: this post on relevant that my sweet roommate just shared with me: Life Won't Begin at Your Next Milestone is super good.  
“The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances.” - Elisabeth Elliott

January 1, 2014


As 2014 begins, I find myself wanting to be hopeful. The new year has a way of producing that in all of us, right? We want a fresh start, a resolution or a fun change, something to look forward to.

It's easy to draw hope from the thought of change in circumstances.
Maybe this year, I will get that ________ [ new job / relationship / good habit / self-discipline / new living situation / etc. etc. ]

But what happens when our dreams aren't fulfilled, when our hopes don't come to fruition? What if we find ourselves in the exact same circumstances this time next year? (or what if our circumstances change for the worse?)

It just points to the fact that we must place our hope somewhere else . . . somewhere that will not disappoint or leave us feeling empty after striving and longing for yet another year.

The Bible talks a lot about hope, but it's hope that is beyond this world. We all yearn to have our desires met, our soul's longings fulfilled. We try to find that in circumstances, in things we can see and touch and taste and feel. But as I've heard someone say - we are eternal, so we need something eternal to fulfill us.

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.  We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,  where Jesus has gone . . . 
- Hebrews 6:18-20

 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
- Romans 5:5

And maybe this year will indeed bring wonderful blessings - God is our loving Father and He does give us good gifts. That's part of what He does. But, we do not have to put our hope solely in circumstances. We have something far greater than anything this world could give us or death could take away. The greatest gift God could ever give us is Himself - I pray that we would know that, not only as head knowledge, but heart knowledge . . . that our souls would find everything we could ever want or need in Him. That whatever this year does bring, our hearts will find rest and contentment that circumstances cannot touch.

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